Ethiopia, with its closedeconomy, is frequently cited as a role model.
When Tendulkar played his first Test, in 1989, India was a closedeconomy.
Rousseff has so far failed to advance on negotiations that could open up Brazil's overwhelmingly closedeconomy.
Her drive to reform a corrupt and closedeconomy has made the economist popular with Western powers and Nigerians hoping for change.
Macri, a free-market advocate, slashed export taxes upon taking office in an effort to boost economic activity in the previously closedeconomy.
Uso de autarky en inglés
Auto autarky The other extreme would be for Beijing to kick foreign companies out of the country.
Only limited autarky could be achieved.
The State's first big idea was the Gaelicisation of Ireland -economic autarky plus the revival of Irish as the main vernacular.
India, under Jawaharlal Nehru, went for autarky too, closing its borders to trade in the hope of sparking a boom in import substitution.
In various ways they are all likely to help the cause of anti-EU populists: greater economic autarky, stronger borders and more hostility to green policies.